Greetings BEE-Lers,
I wrote about city ordinances against bees in the city. We have
in Santa Rosa, CA such an ordinance. In this city of 130,000 I
know of a *lot* of backyard beekeepers. The point is that if your
neighbor does have beephobia and does want the hives gone
they should have the support of the law. In my case, a little brat
kid who got stung in the eye and swelled up for three days and I had
a lot of swarms this year and most of them stopped in my
neighbor's yard.
We've got an uproar in town this because this is an ag town and
people have been getting a whiff of the *stench* of chicken manure.
It's a new experience because we ran the chicken farmers out
years ago. This is America, ain't it?
Thanks to those who cleared me up on TBH's.
Harry Sweet
Wish I was in the Grand Canyon.