From:   [log in to unmask] (MR WILLIAM L HUGHES JR.)
<< Dr. Skinner,
   I am upset over this insult to me you sent over the B-LISt.  I am a
 taxpayer of this State and I attended your hobbist course you
 conducted in Memphis earlier this year.  If you had a beef with me
 you should have E-mailed me directly instead of tring to humilate me
 publicly.  Need I remind you that you are a public employee of this
 state.  You may hide behind UT but my tax money pays your salary.
 You ccan take this any way you want, but  I want an apology.  If you
 do not I will be forced to complain to the state over your use of a
 taxpayer funded computer system to insult a taxpayer. >>
     Relax, Bill.  You said your piece, he said his.  Both of you have a
right to free speech -- Fifth Ammendment, Right?
     I didn't consider you "humiliated," when I read Dr. Skinner's piece.
 Just a difference of opinion.   Just words.
     I've been slapped around a lot worse than that.  I survived.  Some would
find beekeepers "rugged individualists."  Others would say "opinionated
SOB's"   I'm pleased to wear both labels.  I'd encourage you to let it go.
[log in to unmask]    Dave Green,  PO Box 1200,  Hemingway,  SC
29554        (Dave & Jan's Pollination Service,  Pot o'Gold Honey Co.)
Practical Pollination Home Page            Dave & Janice Green