In article <v02120d00aea39f2d6f15@[]>, "M.Westby (Max
Westby)" <[log in to unmask]> writes
>Dear bee people
>Greetings from Sheffield. Has somebody out there got a method for
>separating propolis from the bits of wood, bee and wax from my hive
>scrapings?  I now have about 2 kg of the stuff and want to start doing
>something with it...
>Cheers, Max
>                                                    (\
>Dr G W Max Westby                                   (/
>Dept of Psychology
>University of Sheffield, SHEFFIELD S10 2TN, England.
>Phone (Dept):          +44 (0)114 276 8555 Extension 6549
>Phone (Dept):          +44 (0)114 282 6549 (direct line)
>Phone (Home):          +44 (0)114 236 1038
>Fax:                   +44 (0)114 276 6515
>E-mail:                [log in to unmask]
>Web Site:    
I have no idea how to process propolis (does anyone out there know?) but
you might be able to sell it.
If you look in the back of your November issue of "Bee Craft", you will
find an advertisement from a company called "Bee Well Products Ltd" who
want to buy propolis scrapings. If you decide to sell it, give them a
The address is:         Bee Well Products Ltd.,
                        Laurel Cottage Apiaries,
                        S42 6QQ
                        Tel. (01246) 220130
                        Fax. (01246) 208810
I have never had any dealings with them so I cannot comment on what they
might offer you.
I hope that this helps.
Paul Walton
Email   : [log in to unmask]
Toddington, Bedfordshire, England.