In message <[log in to unmask]>, Bruce Laidlaw
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>At 12:58 PM 25/10/96 +0100, Dave Black wrote:
>the use of smoke is to confuse
>>or mask pheromone communcation between bees
>So is my notion that the bees think: "Smoke! Smoke! It's a bush fire! Save
>the honey!" and then, being comfortably fat with the honey, don't feel like
>stinging, is that too fanciful to be true?
No, but I think its only part of the story. Thus you smoke the bit the
b**ggers have just sting and avoid crushing bees and making the place
smell like a venom infused killing field. I'm told the use of smoke is
essential by africans working with (surprise, surprise) african bees.
Maybe their bees read different books !
Dave Black
Blacks Bee Gardens,
Guildford, GU1 4RN.  UK.