Taken from:
WEIRDNUZ.452 (News of the Weird, October 4, 1996)
by Chuck Shepherd
* Commercial Announcement:  Chuck Shepherd's 5th paperback
book, The Concrete Enema and Other News of the Weird
Classics, is now at bookstores everywhere ($6.95).  Ask proudly
for a Concrete Enema on your next visit.
* The New York Times reported in April that entomologist P.
Kirk Visscher and two colleagues set out to challenge the
conventional wisdom that a human should only very carefully
attempt to extract the stinger after a honeybee attack.  Their
thesis is that speed of removal, not style, is more important, and
they tested it the only way they knew how:  Dr. Visscher took
about 50 honeybees over several days, methodically rubbed each
against his skin until it stung, extracted the stinger, and measured
the welt.  Said Visscher, "That's the price of fame and fortune."
Copyright 1996, Universal Press Syndicate.  All rights reserved.
No commercial use may be made of the material or of the name
News of the Weird.