Ever open to an easier way to do things, I read with interest Richard
Taylor's column in last month's Bee Culture telling how he visited a
beekeeper who made up his grease patties by dumping granulated sugar into
a bucket and then dumping in liquid vegetable oil.  I hate mixing up
shortening and sugar so I gave the liquid oil a try.  It worked great BUT
I went back into some hives a week after application and the grease
patty was gone.  I think the shortening gives the patty structural
strength and staying power.  The liquid oil patties are easily carried
out by the bees.  Has anyone else tried this technique.  I love the way
the liquid oil mixes effortlessly with the sugar and am considering
filling a bucket 2/3's full of sugar and filling out the top with
shortening and putting the bucket in a heat chamber at about 130 and
seeing if it will melt and mix.  Anything beats being elbow deep in grease
Bill Lord
E-Mail  : wglord@franklin
Internet: [log in to unmask]
Phone   : 9194963344
E-Mail  : wglord@franklin
Internet: [log in to unmask]
Phone   : 9194963344