I think the information on oils for mites is just too new
for legitimate comments.  I have put wintergreen in my syrup
feeders this fall.  I'll let you all know in the spring...
It's too big a problem to ignore though.
I used baggie feeders for the first time (per a suggestion
here) which sit on the inner cover.  A baggie filled with
syrup, with razor slits cut in the top after it is laid down.
Neat idea.
I did find one problem.  After they took the first baggie of
regular syrup down (very quickly) I put new bags on with the
wintergreen/syrup mixture.  The oil separates from the syrup
and rises to the top, and (being concentrated,) kills some
Any ideas on how to deliver the oil in syrup without it
Tanx muchly!
Gerry Visel
[log in to unmask]
>>I have a bit of a question about the text at this site:
>>Specifically, the authors mention that wintergreen,
>>spearmint, and peppermint oils have proven successful, that
>>>spearmint patties were propolized, but not wintergreen,
>>teatree, or patchouli oils. Curiously, I didn't hear much
>>from folks since the original posting here. Does this mean
>>that everyone is quietly going out and buying the oils and
>>seeing what will happen? Or is this a new idea with
>>promising preliminary results?
>>Just curious-
>>Phil Wood
>>[log in to unmask]
>>>  Brian R Tucker wrote:
>>> >  > Could someone please repost the use of Essential
>>Oils >for the use of mite  > controll. That is how much in
>>sugar >water or if used in grease patties how  > much in
>>there. >And what type of oil is best (Spearmint,Wintergreen
>>ect..) >>                             Thanks > > The info
>>is at this site: > http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/varroa.htm >
>>> -Barry > > -- > Barry Birkey > West Chicago, Illinois
>>USA > [log in to unmask] > http://www.birkey.com