REGARDING           RE>Mavrick
Tim Cote wrote:
<I've been calling around looking for about 50 hives to buy this fall,
and in that search I found a beekeeper in Mississippi who, when I
asked him about the state of mite-treatment in the hives I was
considering buying, told of his use of Maverick.  When he said it was
based on fuvalinate, I thought maybe there's a new commercial
alternative to apistan(!?).  He told me excitedly of how powerful the
stuff is in killing Varrolla when doloped into a hive.
And so, dear readers, this practice occurs on our soil as we speak.
Guess maybe I shouldn't buy from him (even though they're double deep
10-frames, 125# ave, $60 each).  Hmmmm.>
I, personally, wouldn't touch the equipment, no matter what the price.  The
guy is a menace to the honey business - he should be blacklisted!  (Sorry - I
usually don't get this worked up.)
Ted Fischer