Last week I discovered that one of my queens has been laying sporadic
brood and needed to be requeened.  I ordered a buckfast queen from R.
Weaver in Navasota, TX and she arrived yesterday.  We are having a cold
front come through later today so I had to get her in today or end up
waiting about 5 days.  So I introduced her in the cage but as I
started, I remembered several conflicting pieces of advice.
I've been told to point the hole in the candy end down.  I've been told
to point it up.  I've heard that I shouldn't point it straight up but
angled up.  I've been told not to worry about the attendants, introduce
her with them.  I've been told to remove all the attendants.  I've been
told to remove all but one attendant.  I've been told to introduce her
in the frames at the middle of the brood nest.  I have also heard that
we should introduce in the frames nest to the brood nest.  Some people
just let the queen walk in the hive.
Now I know that if you ask ten beekeepers a question you'll get eleven
different answers.  Isn't there some common wisdom?  Or is it that
certain methods become the accepted common wisdom and them someone does
a study proving that the accepted common wisdom is flawed.  Then some
people change and others stick to what they've been doing.  So we have
people offering contradictory advice.  Or could it be that certain
situations require different strategies?
I could see that queen introduction is different with package bees
because you wouldn't remove the attendants.  Also if you didn't remove
the attendants, you wouldn't point the hole down because the bees in
the hive would kill the attendants and then they would clog the queens
exit.  If you do remove attendants, how do you do it without losing the queen?
I may be starting some controversy but I'm wondering why I've heard
conflicting advice on queen introduction.