Friends, "Maverick" is a fluvalinate-based chemical used for treating
ticks and fleas on animals. It is far sight cheaper than Apistan strips
($18.95/10) used for treating Varroa mite.  Does anybody know the rate of
application per hive and how applied?  Thanks in advance.
P.S. New topic. Will two tablespoons of PDB applied per sealed
doublebrooded hive,
with drawn comb but no bees, prevent wax-moth infestation? Otra vez,
merci beaucoup.
jack the bman wed 2oct96 1101edt
***john iannuzzi phd
  ***beekeeper, 36 years
   ***13 italian hives
    ***historic ellicott city md (10 mi W balto)
     ***`there is some good in things evil: thus
          honeybees collect nectar from the weed' (Shkspr)
       ***URL: (honey always wanted/sold)
        ***email: [log in to unmask] [13sep960900]