In a message dated 96-10-04 00:39:40 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Guy
McDonald) writes:
<<   I may have missed conversation on labels, but  would like to know
  where everyone gets their labels?    I have extra honey to sell this
 year and will need labels.    What should I look out for when ordering?
  5  years ago I bought a jar of honey....put the jar thru the dishwasher
 many times and label still looks pretty good.  I don't think I will be
 needing that expensive a label, but was still amazed.
 A printing company may be what I am leaning towards.   I would be able
 to customize them with own design along with name and address.  Do I need
 full name and address or just name and town?
 I wonder if honey labels come on 8x11 sheets....I could feed it thru my
 printer.  I have only seen them on rolls. >>
    Our labels are done on our computor printer on "Crack 'n Peel" paper,
that has a pressure sensitive adhesive, covered with a waxy paper that peels
off.  It's slow, and probably expensive, when compared to printing, at least
for larger orders.
    But it looks nice, and we are always tinkering with the label anyway, so
I don't want to do large batches and throw away some.  The paper comes  8 1/2
x 11 inches, and is easily cut with a paper cutter.  You can get info from
the manufacturer, Fasson Company at 1-800-443-9380. It's carried by paper
wholesalers in larger cities, and it comes in many colors.  They won't run
through a dishwasher, though.
    I use Microsoft Publisher for our program, but find it somewhat "buggy,"
and am wondering about trying another program.  I can't complain too much, as
it has done an enormous amount of work for me.  I just get frustrated when it
loses a file, crashes, or runs real slow, despite 20 megs of memory.  Maybe
I've got a virus, but scans don't show any.
   I'd be glad to design a label for you, if you'd like.  (Contributions
accepted. -Don't everyone flood me with orders now!)  Send along a copy of
whatever graphics you want to use (no copyrighted stuff - best bet - get a
local art student to make a line drawing - it might launch him/her into a
career, too), as well as the text, which must include name, address, size in
English/Metric weights, country of production, etc.
    You can take the final copy to your printer, or scan it and run off on
your computor system, etc. But it's not hard, if you want to do it yourself.
[log in to unmask]    Dave Green,  PO Box 1200,  Hemingway,  SC
29554        (Dave & Jan's Pollination Service,  Pot o'Gold Honey Co.)
Practical Pollination Home Page            Dave & Janice Green