I have a hive that has the brood in the
upper deep only. I assume the bees filled the
bottom with honey they robbed from a partially
filled super I left for them to clear, thereby
forcing the queen up.
         Should I rotate the deeps or just the
frames with brood or leave them alone? We had a
killing frost last night so there won't be much
left but some aster.
        One management tactic I have heard about
to force the brood area into the lower deep
requires installing a queen excluder between the
two deeps. This  restricts the queen to only one
deep. Later upon observing eggs and young larvae
in the upper deep it is moved to the bottom. Is
this a worthwhile practice? When should it be
done. I know it is to late now.
        Well I and my bees have survived the easy
part of the year. I'm looking forward to my first
fall and winter of beekeeping.
        Lastly, I want to thank everyone who
shares their experiences, experience, knowledge
and enthusiasm of beekeeping with this list. I
know I am a better beekeeper due in large part to
this list.
        Thanks again.
        Jim Moore
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