Years ago, when I first began to keep bees, an old beekeeper warned me not
to wear my wrist watch, or any other watch, as the bees were antagonized by
it.  I found they were always much calmer when the watch was left in the
car.  This was before battery watches, but the same appears true for them.
I have always made it a habit to leave the watch in the car.
I am allergic to bee  venom, and had a bad experience with a yellow jacket
this summer, so have reluctantly decided to stop the hobby.  I have passed
on my equipment, for donation to beginning beekeepers, and a friend will
extract for me. It has been a wonderful hobby, the best of it being knowing
so m any wonderful people.  I will stay subscribed just for interest, for a
By the way, I'm not sure if its imagination or not, but I have begun to
wonder if I may also react to the "odors" from the hive.  Just a deep breath
over the super when the cover has just been removed, seemed to bring
something like a mild allergic reaction, with thickening tongue and closing
throat, for a short while. (Psychological or real??? I don't know).
Thanks everyone
"From the Cradle of Confederation"
>In the past three years I have been stung many times,the most common is bees
>crawling down between my jacket sleeve and by glove gaunlet.The crawl right
>up to my LCD watach and hit me right under the band next tothe watch face.I
>wonder if the bees are annoyed by a sound frequency that we do not hear.
>Comments anyone. Yes I know I have to do something about the jacket matching
>the gauntlet,Velcro in a complete loop is my approach for 1997 season