Tim, Mike
I have gotten some packages with ARS-Y-C-1 (Yugo) queens from
Walter Kelley and they have been quite satisfactory.  Two hives
established in the last week of May this year produced 3
shallows full of nice honey by late August here in Virginia.
Onr hive set up last year and overwintered produced 5 full
shallow supers -- equal to an Italian hive ten feet away.
 the bees are quite gentle and easy to work, but so are my
Italians.  I really like both strains.
According to Michael L. Wallace:
> At 08:17  9/21/96 -0600, you wrote:
> >---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> >Sender:       Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
> >Poster:       Tim Channell <[log in to unmask]>
> >Subject:      Re: Carniolans - "Old World," "New World," "Yugos,"  HELP!
> >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >At 08:20 PM 9/20/96 -0400, you wrote:
> >>Hello!
> >>
> >>I am quite new to beekeeping; in fact, I won't even have my first hives until
> >>the spring.  I have heard a lot about Carniolans, and am very interested in
> >>starting with that type of bee because of their reputation for gentleness.
> >> However, now that I've been researching this bee, I find that there are "Old
> >>World," "New World," and Yugoslavian Carniolans.  What's the difference?  I
> >>get very different answers from each of the various apiaries I have called,
> >>all saying that their bees, of course, are best.
> >>
> >>Also, how does the gentleness of the Carniolans compare to the Buckfast bee,
> >>in which I am also very interested, and the "Midnite" hybrid bee?
> >>
> >>Thanks in advance for your assistance!
> >>
> >>Mary Caldwell
> >>Benicia, CA
> >>
> >
> >--------------------------
> >I would be interested in knowning which apiaries sell the Carniolans and
> >Buckfast.  Do any of you bee buddies known?  Thanks,  Tim - El Paso, Texas
> >Tim Channell
> >
> Don't know about the Carniolans, but B. Weaver Apiaries, in Navasota, Texas,
> raises the Buckfasts.
> Cheers,
> Mike Wallace
> Sar Shalom Apiary
> McKinney, Texas   USA
> "Out of the heart, the mouth speaks."