My hive is in its first year and about to enter its first Winter.
There are two hive bodies on: bottom fully drawn out with LOTS of
health little larvae and new bees emerging.  Seems to be fairly
adequate nectar and pollen stores in what is described as the typical
storage pattern around the brood area.  The second hive body has three
and a half frames unworked; remainder is about 1/3 capped, 1/3 with
stores uncapped and 1/3 being drawn out.  No larvae in #2.
I've just removed the entrance feeder that came with my hive and
installed a top feeder.  I saw top feeders referenced briefly in a
message in August . . .
1.  Should it stay on year round or be removed sometime late this
2.  It has an entrance hole - should it be plugged anytime during the
year, particularly if it stays on year round?
3.  The girls are flat out sucking down the sugar water when I fill
the top feeder - do I need to supplement feed pollen/soy powder or
will they gather what they need?
Anything I may have not asked about?
Thanks in advance for all the great help available on bee list.
-- John Taylor --
Wild Rose Creek Apiary
Southeast Missouri
When in danger, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!