> From: Marton & Vicki Rusk <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Newbie to the Bee World question
> Date: Sunday, September 16, 2096 2:33 PM
> I have one established hive since June 15, it has had medication for both
> mytes, I removed the strips 8 weeks after they where put in, at this time
> inspected the hive the best that a beginer (without a smoker or bee suit
> yet, i used coveralls :-) ) could do. Everything looked real good to me,
> the second deep super was stating to get filled out with honey for the
> winter and there where lots, and lots of larvea in both supers. I think I
> should have put one of those Queen extractor things in between the 2
> because the Queen is laying in both supers.
> Anyhow...in the last few days here in Arkansas it has gotten a little
> cooler, last night we had a Toad Strangler (it rained a bunch), the hive
> up on concrete blocks, slightly unlevel toward the front of the hive so
> that lots of water won't go in the bottom.  I went out to look at the
> this morning and there where a few  dead worker bees at the front
> along with 7 or 8 dead larvea, most of the larvea where almost to the
> stage. There a 2 or 3 that where a little smaller. I picked up one of the
> larvea and the abdomen was goowie like thick puss.
> I was told by the guy I bought the established hive from that the bees
> already been medicated for Foul Brood, but this was last spring, I think
> did it after the honey season. I am not sure if I have a Foul Brood
> or if the weather took the bees by surprise and a few died. I don't know
> what to do, could someone tell me what to do. I may just be
> (like a parent with thier first born)
> Thanks in advance for who ever answers my Newbie questions,
> Marton