The recent posting:
>Last summer I learned the hard way that Varroa infestation in this
>area requires Apistan treatment twice a year.
>I lost several hives, and intentionally let one go to the wax worms,
>never having experienced them before.  What a mess, but I am wiser
>for it now.
made me wonder "Does Apistan, when used in a legal manner for control of
varroa mite, have any direct activity against wax moth as well?"
The active ingredient in Apistan, fluvalinate, is a very effective
insecticide for control of many other caterpillars, including many that are
in the same family as wax moth.  However, I am unaware of any testing for
this insect and the rates used for varroa may be insufficient for wax moth.
Just wondering, as I can't find any other way to control existing wax moth
infestations since Certan has dropped off the market.
Whitney Cranshaw
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