> According to "The Lives of the Saints" St. Abrose was born in Gaul
> around the year 340.  He was appointed the Governor of Liguria and
Cecile asks.........
OLd Drone...ponders the question:
Other then he is depicted as having a skept of bees as a coat of arms
I can't find any reference to St. Ambrose being a beekeeper.
Could bee that some sinful beekeeper in later years paid off a Pope
to have the protection of St. Ambrose?
Not wanting to take any chances I have directed a prayer or two his way
myself. Can't say if it helps, but for sure it did no harm and is
comforting that we may have someone special just to look after
beekeepers. But I must admit he has not been that successful the last
few years with all the problems beekeepers are having.
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ "Where there are fruits & nuts, there are beekeepers"