At risk of providing too much on this topic:
I was just out tipping a few boxes.  Light robbing is happening.  Of
course things are proceeding nicely.  I'll go and pick up the boxes
in a few minutes -- they are in the home yard.
I realised that I discussed conditions where there would be a flow,
or conditions where there would be robbing, but did not explicitly
state that:
Tipping _will not work_  if the bees are not flying freely!
The reason:  If they have not flown for a few days, they will not
know where to go when  and if they do fly up, and as a result
abandonment will fail.
Bees forget where home is in as short a time as a day or two at some
times of year, and it is a safe bet that after three days of
confinement or low flight activity, most will not remember their
hive location.
Someof these things are so much second nature to me that it is hard
to remember to explain every little detail. Sorry if anyone ran into
Feel free to ask if you have problems understanding my explanations..
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
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