At 07:07 AM 9/9/96 -0700, you wrote:
>At 08:26 AM 9/9/96 -0400, you wrote:
>>Hey kids,
>>        I often find ticks on me after working in the bee yards. I have
>>heard that dusting your ankles with sulfer will help keep them off. Has
>>anyone tried this or have any other repellants?
>>Also, what tricks do you use to remove ticks once the have you to be their
>>new home?
>>Ticked off in Florida...
>>God Bless,
>>Kelley Rosenlund  [log in to unmask]
>>Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., Phone:352-378-7510
>>200 hives, 1 year in beekeeping.
>The same thing we use to get rid of chiggers works well for getting rid of
>ticks: plain old Vicks Salve or Mentholatum Rub. Just dab it on the ticks
>and they can't breath, so they let go. Camphor also works well by itself.
>Lots o' luck!
>Betty B
>We are like kids' art on God's refrigerator.
> -
>Ticks drop on to their hosts from above, so tall grass , weed or brush
along the path or around the hives will encourage your accumulation of
ticks.. Mowing or clearing a 4-6 foot path and work area will help in
reducing your tick accumulation,  also treating your lower clothing with a
repellent containing DEET will repel both ticks and chiggers.
>Also, if your so inclined, a spray of the work and /or travel area with a
product conraining chlorpyriphos or permethrin will knock down the tick
population in the local work or travel lane - both of these products are
usually found in area flea sprays and should be applied as a coarse ,
directed spray when the bees are not working and should be effective for
10-14 days
Dan Veilleux Col. OH
Janet Montgomery
104 Fallis Road
Columbus, Ohio  43214-3724
Home:   (614) 784-8334
FAX:    (614) 268-3107
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