[log in to unmask],Internet writes:
We were initially putting lids back on hives that were complete (down
to the two brood boxes), but had to remove them again because
robbing started up.  Once all the lids were off, there was still *a
bit* of robbing, but the bees settled right down, and stinging
ceased.  Of course we put all the lids on  as we left the yard.
    Allen,  can you explain this , please.
    And, second, when you pull the supers off, are you breaking honey-filled
comb between the supers?
    (I try to turn the odd or even numbers supers 180 degrees, front to back,
at least a day before pulling them off to break this comb and let the bees
clean it up.   Exposed honey gets my bees pretty excited.    I realise that a
big operation doesn't have time to do this.)
Tim Sterrett
Westtown, (Southeastern) Pennsylvania, USA
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