On Fri, 30 Aug 1996, Adrian Wenner wrote:
> Marton wrote:
> >My question is this: I went out to the hive today to watch for a while and
> >I noticed that there where some very large looking bees coming and going.
> >They where a lot darker in color than the workers and about 4 or 5
> >millimeters longer and thicker, they also made a lot more noise when they
> >flew. These guys where coming and going without any trouble.
> ******
>    Those were likely drone honey bees (the males), that normally fly in
> mid-afternoon.
>    You should really read a couple of Sue Hubbell's books (for example, A
> COUNTRY YEAR and A BOOK OF BEES).  She has kept bees in the Ozarks and
> writes very well!
>                                                         Adrian
I agree!....I read "A Book of Bees" twice...infact it's almost time to
read it again...its so good.  She has a way with words..and also knows a
lot about bees.....I'm sure you'll enjoy it...:)
                          Ian Watson
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