> > 12.  Beekeepers don't get Arthritis or Cancer  ( I would like to
> > get a reference on this one)
> Me too, because this is easily proven false.
> There is quite surely some truth to the beliefs that bee stings are
> beneficial in some types of arthritis.  Less likely IMO is the less
> commonbelief that beekeeping may have some inhibiting effects on
> some cancers.
> Just  ask any beekeeper how his back is, or if he knows of a
> beekeeper who had cancer, and the falacy of this becomes obvious.
> How many beekeepers on this list have arthritis or cancer?
> I have some arthritis.  Don't know about cancer... (Hope not).
I'm still waiting for a relpy on this, because out of 500 or so
beekeepers on this list, I should think that odds are very high that
someone has cancer of some sort.
Prostate, breast and skin cancers are very common, and yet, so far,
no one has volunteered any info.
Does this mean that the above 'fact' is true for this group?  Hardly
seems likely.
Please email me personally a short note about your personal or close
experience with beekeepers and either disease, and I will compile
results (leaving the individuals' names off)- and report to the list.
BTW, it was not my intent to hurt anyone with my questioning of
these 'facts'.  In fact, I laced my comments liberally with smilies
to demonstrate clearly  -- I had hoped at least -- good will.
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
Internet:[log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask]
Honey. Bees, & Art <http://www.internode.net/~allend/>