On Wed, 4 Sep 1996, Andy Nachbaur wrote:
> IW>From: Ian Watson <[log in to unmask]>
>   >Date:         Tue, 3 Sep 1996 13:11:07 -0400
>   >Subject:      Re: Fascinating Facts about bees
> IW>On Mon, 2 Sep 1996, Allen Dick wrote:
>   >Gee.....I thought this list was about sharing information and helping each
>   >other.....not shooting holes in other people's posts......sheesh!
>   Hi Ian, I don't think Allen or anyone else was trying to put you down.
> There is one thing we all learn in time about e-mail and that is to
> read it if you can without any passion, as there is really no way to
> tell if the poster is trying to be an horse's rear or it's just his
> style of using the king's English. And always remember one man can not
> make a fool of another, it's up to each of us to do that job for
> ourselves.
>                              ttul OLd Drone
Just to clarify things....I didnt posts that information about
bees......the quote you have above is from ME...not Allan...
I was just responding to Allan's response....I cant remember the Author...
                          Ian Watson
                   [log in to unmask]