In a message dated 96-08-28 13:57:57 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Joe
Hemmens) writes:
<< Cecile T. Kohrs recently wrote:
 > Hi.
 > I am a honey lover, and I have been having great debates with
 > friends about how bees make wax, and when beeswax candles were first
 > made.
 > And honey...isn't it bee spit?
 > I hope it isn't too trivial to ask, I am also interested in more
 > recipes using honey, and what I'd have to do to modify recipes to
 > use honey instead of sugar.
 > Thanks in advance for your help
 Then Joe Hemmens answers?
> Firstly the second question,  of course honey is nasty stuff and
>might be better described not as 'spit'  but as 'vomit'  because bees
>regurgitate it from their stomachs.  Have nothing to do with it is my
Why do you say honey is nasty and your advice is to have nothing to do
with it and what are you doing subscibed to the BEE-L list if  you are going
put down honey when someone asked a question about it that likes it.
My grandfather was a diabetic and the only sweets he was able to have was the
ones my mother made for him useing honey becouse other kinds of sugurs was
bad for him so don't go around telling people that honey is nasty and dosn't
good just becouse you don't like it!!!!!!!!
Unhappy Beekeeper in FL.