At 02:59 PM 8/22/96 -0500, you wrote:
>   I mentioned this a week or so ago, without any response.  So I bring it up
>again, more clearly, more forcefully.  THINK!
        OK! OK! I'm THINKing!
        You make some excellent points and I have saved your post and
        will sit and ponder its portent.
        Allow me to counterpoint however:
        1) apistan must go in now to maximize the treatment period (56 days).
        2) Most of our Fall flows up here do not yield enough honey to cause
           the hive to become honeybound. We always supplement with syrup.
           My post regarding baggie feeders not withstanding, I won't start
           feeding in earnest until the goldenrod has gone by (mid-Sept).
        3) I currently have my hives in 3 deep boxes. I recently rotated the
           deeps to get the queens back in the 1st story. At the moment there
           is adequate room for both brood and honey. I admit to being worried
           about how large the field force is with this set-up, and what happens
           to them when the Fall flow is done? If someone wants to advise me
           about what I have done here, please feel free. I am in uncharted
           It just felt like the right thing to do.
        I like your ideas about taking surplus honey stores and saving for
        spring feeding as well as the comments about drawing of new foundation;
        especially since I had problems with that this past spring.
        THINKing till next time!
Tim Peters, Kirby VT
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KirBee Apiary, Bear Bait Honey
I rather be flying!