While inspecting my weakest hive, a small swarm I'm
nursing along, I encountered something I have never seen
before (during this my first year of beekeeping). There were a
number of worker cells among capped brood that were uncapped.
The pupae were well developed with the bodies still white and
the eyes a light purple. It was strange seeing the white
bodies with the purple eyes staring out of the comb.
        Other factors that might be relevant. This hive has a
low level of varroa mites. I encountered and destroyed two
large wax moth caterpillars. My guess is that the moth
caterpillars ate the caps.
        (A side note relating to a previous post.  The
caterpillar feces found in some of cells I inspected look like
coffee grounds.)
        Anyone have and knowledge or ideas about the cause of
the uncapped pupae.
        Jim Moore
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