"Tim Peters wrote:
>         Hello All:
>         Can someone give me instructions for mixing TM-25 powder into my
>         Crisco/sugar grease patties? I rcvd my packet of TM-25
>         and Apistan strips a few days ago and will be starting
>         my Fall treatments by this weekend. The instruction sheet
>         that came with the TM-25 packet gave measurements for
>         mixing with powdered sugar for dusting and mixing with
>         syrup for feeding but nothing about extender patty proportions.
>         Thanks in advance for your help.
>         Regards,
> Tim Peters, Kirby VT
> [log in to unmask]
> KirBee Apiary, Bear Bait Honey
> I rather be flying!Hi Tim
The mixture I use is the one in Brushey mointain catalog.  It is as follows:
1 6.4 oz pk Terrimycin
2 1/2 lbs Crisco  (any all vegitable shortning will do)
5 lbs granulated sugar
Mix dry ingrediants thoroughly, then mix with Crisco.  Devide into 15 equal portions and flatten
into patties (About 1/4" thick. donot use during honey flow.
Patties without Terramycin can be made up for use during honey flow to combat T mites.
Frank Humphrey
[log in to unmask]"
Anybody had experience using powdered sugar instead of granulated??  Some guys in our
club use it (same proportions?) and like it.
Gerry Visel
[log in to unmask]
(815) 226-6620
(815) 394-5438 or -2827 (fax)