At 10:43  8/19/96 -0500, you wrote:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
>Sender:       Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
>Poster:       "Malcolm (Tom) Sanford, Florida Extension Apiculturist"
>              <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Re: Apitherapy
>Mr. Eddy:  I don't have much information on this and am sending
>your message to two discussion lists for responses.
>Tom Sanford
>On Wed, 14 Aug 1996, Lear Eddy (AE) wrote:
>> Dear Malcolm,
>> I found your name on internet from a fairly old article "Focus on
>> Apitherapy".
>> I am the Chairman of the South African Federation of Bee-Farmers'
>> Associations.  I am interested in finding out more about propolis and wish
>> to be directed to folk who may have done analytical testing on the product.
>>  I believe that one of the constituents in propolis is Quercetin.  This is
>> interesting as Quercetin is an anti-carcinogen.  The specific substance I am
>> looking for is resveratrol.  This is a natural antifungicide found in
>> certain plants, mainly skins of berries and grapes.  I'm sure it could be
>> found in other parts of plants, but it has not been looked for, as generally
>> the vine is not eaten, only the fruit.  If it is found in other plant parts
>> the chances are good that it should also be found in propolis.  If you can
>> help me in this matter by giving me any leads, etc. I would be very
>> grateful.
>> Regards
>> Eddy Lear
I'm curious as to why this message was posted under the subject of
Apitherapy?  Apitherapy and Propolis use are two very different things.  It
could be that someone who could help with the Propolis issue, may pass over
this post because they think it's about Apitherapy.
I know quite a bit about Propolis, however, unfortunately, I have not done
any scientific research as to it's make-up.  Maybe, that's something that I
need to do.  I wish I knew how to help, but I don't know anyone who knows
any more than I do about its properties.
Mike Wallace
Sar Shalom Apiary
McKinney, Texas   USA
"Out of the heart, the mouth speaks."