Last year I obtained organic certification for my honey through OCIA
(Organic Crop Improvement Association).  Their address is:  3185 Township
Rd. 179, Bellefontaine, OH.  43311.  Anyone interested in organic honey
standards can write them or, OGBA, (Organic Growers and Buyers Association)
at 1405 Silver Lake Road, New Brighton, MN  55112, as they also have a
honey certification program.  It was difficult to obtain certification, but
I think possible for anyone with enough land base that is organically
certified, and who lives in an area which is relatively free of
pesticide/chemical problems.  Obviously, totally 'pure' anything is not
possible in our present world system, and the standards allow for that.  My
motives for seeking certification were that I already complied with most of
the requirements, and I was tired of 'thawing out' perfectly wonderful
honey to meet the aesthetic demands of the local market- that and selling
my unheated honey to bakeries- I wanted a new market.  If I were able, as
some of the respondents to this list, to get $2-$3 per pound locally for my
unheated honey, I would not bother with jumping through the hoops of
certification.  Certification has required that I cease using antibiotics,
and that I not use Apistan for varroa control, also that I do intentional
bee forage plantings on our 280 acre ranch/farm, and that harvest is
without the use of fume boards and extraction without added heat other than
that required for minimal straining.  If anyone wants to discuss the
subject further, I'd be happy to respond.