> Can Terramycin pemanently clear up AFB?
> Well, in discussions with our State Apiary Inspectors, they have
> only known one hive where Terramycin cleared up the disease to the
> point when no further treatment was needed.   The general rule is
> that while Terramycin will control AFB, it won't cure it.   If you
> start in with Terramycin on an AFB hive, the disease will normally
> reappear right after you stop treating.
That's if you follow most government treatment recommendations.
Until mites came along, AFB was the only overwhelming argument in
favour of government bee inspection staffs.
I have often wondered if that was related to the interesting fact
that most governments recommended doses that did not solve the
problem permanently.
try doubling the dose.
I used to be an inspector myself and found that when I followed our
department's recommendations, AFB was back within weeks of
discontinuing dusting.
I took a commercial friend's advice, doubled the dose,  increased the
number of dustings,  and the problem disappeared.
If I'm being too cynical, apologies in advance.
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
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Honey. Bees, & Art <http://www.internode.net/~allend/>