I have some beginner questions. Here is the situation. My strongest
hive from a package 5/1 with new foundation had 3 medium supers drawn with 2
capped. I extracted two of the three and go about 65 lbs. of honey. What a
surprise, I didn't expect to get more than 15 lbs. Now the questions.
        What is typically done with supers after extraction? How does one
prepare and where do one store them for the winter? I placed them back on the
hive to get cleaned up but don't expect to leave them there for the winter.
        Both my hives will be 2 deeps with a medium when I place the apistan.
Should the medium with honey be left for the winter or stored and put on in the
spring? The medioum super are not yet capped. I live in Massachusetts and the
practice it to winter with two deeps typically. Advice appreciated.
        Thanks in advance.
        Jim Moore
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