At 01:56  8/7/96 GMT+2, you wrote:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
>Sender:       Discussion of Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
>Poster:       MIKE ALLSOPP <[log in to unmask]>
>Organization: N.I.P.B VREDENBURG
>Subject:      bee glue
>Hi all
>I'm looking for some info for our local beekeepers. They inform me
>that there is no suitable bee glue (for glueing hive parts together)
>available in South Africa - and they wonder what is used in regions
>afar and if this would be available for import. Grateful for any
>information received.
>Mike Allsopp
>Mike Allsopp                            tel    (27)(21) 887-4690
>Honeybee Research Section               fax    (27)(21) 883-3285
>Plant Protection Research Institute     pmail  plant3/vredma
>Agricultural Research Council           email  [log in to unmask]
>P/Bag X5017
>Stellenbosch 7599
>South Africa
Don't know if it's available for import, but we use "Elmer's Brand - Wood
Glue". It works great!
Mike Wallace
Sar Shalom Apiary
McKinney, Texas   USA
"Out of the heart, the mouth speaks."