Re. APIMONDIA Meetings
    I am responding to Anne's question where the next APIMONDIA meeting is.
    The next meeting is planned for Antwerp, Belgium, September 01 - 06,
    1997.  It will be its centennial conference since APIMONDIA began in 1897
    with its first meeting in Brussels.
    Then, two years later (September 13 - 18, 1999) APIMONDIA will be held in
    the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia.  (Yes, I am bias and
    not ashamed of it!). APIMONDIA has not been back in North America since
    the mid/late 1960's, and the last time it was in Canada was in 1924.
    APIMONDIA represents the world organisation of beekeepers associations.
    Its semi-annual meetings draw thousands of participants.  Last year's
    meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland attracted between 6 - 7,000 beekeepers.
    For the 1999 event, we hope to attract a large number of beekeepers from
    all over the world but especially the Americas.  We are already working
    on a very interesting scientific program with keynote speakers,
    workshops, poster sessions, etc.  Of course, there will also be a large
    trade show.  Over the next few years, we hope North American beekeepers
    will become more familiar with APIMONDIA and be drawn to attend its
    Paul van Westendorp                         [log in to unmask]
    Provincial Apiarist
    British Columbia