>From: "Dave Green, Eastern Pollinator Newsletter" <[log in to unmask]>
>Date:         Mon, 5 Aug 1996 12:42:19 -0400
>Subject:      Re: Using Bees as weapons
>Dear bee friends,
>    I am glad that there has been many a chuckle on our fun, with the "Bees
>as Weapons" tale.   Unfortunately this was not always true for those who
>speak English as a second language.
Ye, Gads, I passed it on the the local UP wire service and expected by
now that you would have the TV crews surrounding your home as soon as
they get off of the olympics. If I were you I would pull the shades,
take the phone off the hook, and leave the lights out until I have a
chance to get back on the wire with a correction...<G>
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ Let the honey flow!!!!!