In article <[log in to unmask]>, Simon Garrett
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>My friend lives in Wiltshire in the south of England and has a nest of bees
>in his garden. He also has a three year old son, a six months pregnant wife
>and two boisterous and inquisitive dogs. He fears one of all of them might
>come to grief.
>Neither of us knows any apiarists and the local council can only suggest
>extermination (of the bees that is). He would rather avoid that if
>possible. Can anyone offer/suggest help, please.
>Answers to [log in to unmask]
>Simon Garrett
>[log in to unmask]
Have you tried the local Police? They often maintain a book of people
who have volunteered to help out in this sort of situation. I, myself,
have been called upon to deal with just such a situation by the police.
Good Luck
Paul Walton
[log in to unmask]
Toddington, Bedfordshire, England.
Tel. +44 (0)1525 875570