MSGID: 240:232/100 31f5501c
REPLY: 2:254/215 7c86209b
Hello [log in to unmask]
Thursday July 18 1996 23:35, [log in to unmask] wrote to ALL:
 >> I'll  try again.... My question,  What about re-using apistan
 >> stuips? Can you re-seal the strips after their first use and use
 >> them again for the next treatment?   Yes, or no, and why or why not?
 >> Thanks,
 >> Tom Padgett
 >> Auburn, AL
 I> Well.....after using the strips for therequired and recommended 6
 I> weeks, the level of chemical (fluvalinate) in the strips has reached a
 I> low point because of it migrating to the surface of the plastic.  So
 I> re-using them would serve no purpose but to make the mites immune to
 I> the Fluvalinate because the level of it in the hive is too low to kill
 I> most mites and the ones that survive would be tolerant to
I agree with what you said.
But what is important is that all beekeeper in a same region put the strips in
a same time. That the efficacity of the strips !!
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 * Origin: Beenet, Host in BELGIUM (240:232/100)