>        I was thinking that by the second attempt
>(after 4 weeks without a queen) that the hive might be
>making some laying workers. If the hive constructs
>queen cells does that mean there are no laying workers
>yet? Or better said will the presence of laying workers
>suppress the urge to make queen cells? Will laying
>worker or their sisters tear down queen cells or kill
>the queen?
I would say 'Yes' to all of the above. I have noticed that when a hive has
made cells, they emerge, the virgin then goes out to mate. If she doesn't
come back, for what ever reason, then the hive waits and waits for that
queen to come back. Now try and get them to make more cells is almost
impossible, they have made up their mind and nothing will dissuade them.
They want a mated queen, if you give them one, it will be readily accepted.
        What to do in this case? Go ahead and unite them, queen in the top
box, newspaper between, or, add a laying queen. After uniting, leave for a
few days, make a nuc. Then they will raise a new queen.
        We have seen no comments regarding EAS '96, we are going so we shall
be off the Bee-L for one week. We hope some of you are also going, or we are
going to be very lonely.  ;-))
   * David Eyre          9 Progress Drive, Unit 2,  *
   * The Beeworks,    Orillia, Ontario, L3V 6H1. *
   * [log in to unmask]      705-326-7171 *
   * http://www.muskoka.net/~beeworks           *
   *  Agents for: E H Thorne &  B J Sherriff UK. *