On Mon, 15 Jul 1996, John Taylor wrote:
> After installation of my first hive this Spring, Apistan Strips were
> installed.  After I added the second BC, strips were also added to
> that.  As I have come to not expect any honey this year (sigh!) I have
> just left the Apistan in place.  What is the useful life of a strip?
> How often do they need to be replaced?
> -- John Taylor --
> Southeast Missouri
> When in danger, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!
Hi John...
Although I'm not an expert, i knoiw that you should not leave Apistan
strips in for more than the recommended 7 weeks (42 days).  Otherwise,
You might be helping the mites become immune to the chemical.  Well, thats
my 2 cents worth..:)
Has anyone tried using natural treatments?.....like putting peppermint or
spearmint leaves on the top bars of the highest super?....One of the
fellows in our local beekeepers group tried this and says he is mite free.
Just wondering....
                          Ian Watson
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