>First, does anyone have suggestions for enticing bees to draw out foundation
>into comb?  We're in the middle of a heavy blackberry flow here in Western
>Now I'm out of comb and have given them some boxes of foundation, which have
>been largely ignored.  Are there any tricks to making them draw it out, other
>than the "hurry up and wait" method I've used in previous years?  I would like
We have found a quick way to pull bees up into foundation is to move open
honey frames up into and interleave the new top box. We also do this with
sealed brood when adding a second box.
>Also, last year I got some honey around blackberry time which had a distinctly
>light green color to it.  The taste was mild and very good.  I have heard that
>purple loosetrife (sp?) can produce this, but most of it has been eradicated
>here by a noxious weed control program.  Does anyone know what else could
>make green honey.
I bet ten to one your bees have been in the Basswood or Lime trees. We have
a lot of Basswood and our honey at that time is distinctly pale green and
has a slight minty flavour. Our Basswood are late this year, and only just
coming into bloom.
   * David Eyre          9 Progress Drive, Unit 2,  *
   * The Beeworks,    Orillia, Ontario, L3V 6H1. *
   * [log in to unmask]      705-326-7171 *
   * http://www.muskoka.net/~beeworks           *
   *  Agents for: E H Thorne &  B J Sherriff UK. *