>STRIPS!!!!!  The other formulations get into honey.  You will end up with
>contaminated honey.  Do you want honey with poison in it?  The last thing the
>industry needs is a contaminated honey scare.
>Shawna Roberts
>Gypsy Bees
>Hollister, California
Let us not forget that the bee world is bigger then California and
the USA and in many areas of the world there are other treatments other
then the few so called recommended legal one's used in California and
the USA. In fact there have been and may still be areas of the USA that
have permits to use material's other then what we can use in California.
NO one want's honey with poison in it, and NO ONE should be so
confident about what they are today doing including FLUVALINATE when
used according to the label directions, that do not guarantee that you
do not get it in the honey, only at levels that are thought not to be
harmful, TODAY, the same promise of any chemical used legally in the
past, some of which have caused great harm to someone's environment with
high confidence levels it was not because it was not legal, and not
recommended and sadly used by all. I won't waste time in naming them
other then there number now is greater then what can be used with
reasonable safety today, and many of these former safe, legal and
recommended chemicals are still in our environment years after their
safe, legal, and recommended use was halted and manufacturing stopped.
When you post such blanket statements as quoted above you are talking
down to some people who may know more about controlling a pest that may
be devastating to large number of beekeeper in the US or the world that
are using the legal prescribed remedies without luck, and our future may
be more dependent on what some one is trying today then on what we are
all doing according to local bee or chemical laws or customs.
I for one want to know what is going on, and I don't know a better way
then for all of us to be tolerant and open about what we are doing. At
the same time I do not suggest to anyone that they brake any law just to
keep there bees healthy, or do I not understand that some in the bee
regulatory, research, and bee extension business are sometimes compelled
to remind us of the laws in their own area. I hope we beekeepers leave
that job to them, its one of those dirty jobs that someone has to do..
                         ttul Andy-
                         Los Banos, CA
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(w)Opinions are not necessarily facts. Use at own risk.
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ "Where there is honey, there are beekeepers"