Is there an 8 frame spacing tool available?
I would like to try the suggestion from this list of using 8 frame supers
rather than excluders as a honey barrier.
Added Note:
Today was an interesting day in my life.
I was treating a fellow beekeeper in my office (back problem from lifting
one too many
 honey supers) when a call came in from another patient telling me that some
city workers were going to hose a swarm with soapy water. :(
Grabbing our bee grear and my favorite swarm capture box, a copier box, my
patient and
I jumped into our trucks and headed downtown.
Arrived at scene to find a nice swarm 15 feet up in a magnolia tree.  The
city workers kindly parked the soap water truck so we could use it as a
ladder to stand on top and shake the bees into the box.
No sooner than 10 minutes had passed when the local TV station camera crew
End result:  Tonight's 6:00 PM news showed a well edited segment entitled
"Bee Swarm",  beekeeping got some good press and my patient got a nice
swarm of bees. :)
Paul Cronshaw DC
Hobby Beekeeper
Santa Barbara, CA