Hello beekeepers!
A few weeks ago I asked how the less expensive Permadent foundation (sold by
Mann Lake and perhaps others) compares in quality to Dadant's Plasticell.
Both are plastic foundation with plastic cell walls, and both are sold with
a wax coating (optional on Dadant's).
  The general consensus among respondents seems to be that Permadent works
just as well as Plasticell.  Here are the replies (sorry if I missed a reply
due to my quick delete key!):
As far as I can tell they are the same. I've had good results with both.
I have used both and use permedent now because of the cost. I
just bought 11 cases 2 weeks ago and need to get 2 more cases of the 5
5/8 for my supers. Permedent is more flexible and the cell definition is
not as sharp. It works for me and I have over 2,000 frames with it in them.
I've experimented with plasticell and permadent.  While permadent is
less expensive, my bees have taken to it more readily than plasticell.
I have no sound reasoning or conjecture for this, just practical experience.
I've also found a competitive source:
        Lapp Bee Supply at 800-321-1960
I've decided to go with the less expensive Permadent, to pop into the groove
top & bottom frames.  Thanks all!!
John in Dallas