As Kerry Clark points out, Mite Solution is not legal to use.
I have grave concerns about using unregistered substances in hives.
Apistan has been shown to be effective, and as a contact dispersed
chemical, a don't worry so much about adulteration of comb, honey, etc.
Squirting, pouring, or fumigating with untested substances can lead to
contamination of the hive and products.  Worse yet, you don't even know
whether it truly works.  We see lots of beekeepers taking veterinary
products, squirting them on cotton balls, carboard, rags, you name it.
Dose, means of distribution, effectiveness - all word of mouth and many
someone's guess or impression.  Do you really save anything by using
something that could be harmful to your bees or product and that may or
may not control mites?
Jerry Bromenshenk
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