> >        I put on an additional deep with new foundation on each
> >        hive this spring. Would the action of drawing comb on new
> >        foundation actually slow the rate at which honey is stored?
> The answer to your question is - most definitely.  Any nectar
> gathering is going to have to be used for wax production before any
> can be stored and made into honey.  Obviously, this is a blanket
> statement.  They will store some nectar, but they will be limited on
> what they can store until they pull the cells out.
To add to this:  A lot will depend on the flow, the position in the
hive of the foundation and the amount of other empty comb available
to the bees.  Moreover the hive temperature, how well sealed the
hive is, and population demographics of the hive  will have an
effect as well.
In *some* cases, drawing a large amount of foundation may have no
apparent effect on production.  For foundation to be drawn quickly
and economically, it must be in a warm, dark place that is  occupied
by well fed young bees and a logical position for extending the
Placing entire supers of new wax  on a hive is generally  frowned
upon, but may work well if the flow is strong and steady, and the
population is large and willing.
Some hives will draw foundation limitlessly, but others will show
much less interest.  Placing a few drawn combs or a comb of brood
(judiciously) can attract bees to the foundation. Generally a
position directly above the brood nest is best.
Excluders can (but not necessarily will)  discourage bees from
Since we are talking about bees here, we have to keep in mind what
Winnie the Pooh said about them.
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
Internet:[log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask]
Honey. Bees, & Art <http://www.internode.net/~allend/>