Greetings all
> Can anyone provide information regarding a book that was published a couple
> of years ago out of Cornell University that made the argument that the hive
> can be seen as an autonomous being - a "superorganism". The idea being that
> a hive expresses all the same characteristics as a normal organism might. I
> saw one of the authors give a talk a few years back on the subject and have
> yet to see or hear of the book. Has anyone got any information they could share?
The book that you are (probably) referring to is called "Bees as
Superorganisms: an evolutionary reality", by Robin Moritz and Ed
Southwick. It was published by Springer-Verlag in 1992.
Mike Allsopp                            tel    (27)(21) 887-4690
Honeybee Research Section               fax    (27)(21) 883-3285
Plant Protection Research Institute     pmail  plant3/vredma
Agricultural Research Council           email  [log in to unmask]
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South Africa