At 12:49 AM 6/7/96 +0000, you wrote:                                            
>I'm keeping 16 modified Tanzanian top bar hives out in the back yard here      
>at Canton, about 40 mi N of Atlanta, GA USA.  I supply water for the           
>bee's foraging by two large tubs of water on either side of the hives.         
>The water has been mostly ignored this spring, but suddenly the bees are       
>taking it in large numbers, and they appear to be going to most of the         
>hives as best I can tell. The bees are Italian strain.                         
>The poplar flow has just ended, perhaps cut a bit short by hot, dry            
>weather.  Daily temperatures are cooler now than they were a couple of         
>weeks ago.  Any ideas on what can account for the change in behavior?          
>It occured to me that perhaps there is a lack of honeyflow now and the         
>bees are using water to dilute stored honey for feeding to heavy brood         
>that's underway.  I don't think it's being used to cool the hives though       
>that may be the case since there have been population increases.               
>I'm enjoying beekeeping in tbh's and intend to continue with them              
>exclusively for the remainder of my years on this planet.  As a result         
>of information supplied by  Paul, Dean, a couple of David's, Roy, and          
>others, I'm having the time of my life with tbh's, raising queens in           
>flower pot mininucs, and continuing to learn about honeybees.  The             
>internet and BEE-L are wonderful!                                              
>Cordially yours,                                                               
>  --------------------------------------------------------------               
>  |  James D. Satterfield        |  E-Mail: [log in to unmask]      |               
>  |  P.O. Box 2243                ------------------------------               
>  |  Decatur, GA 30031, USA        258 Ridge Pine Drive        |               
>  |  S.E. United States        or  Canton, GA 30114, USA       |               
>  |  Telephone (404) 378-8917      Telephone (770) 479-4784    |               
>  --------------------------------------------------------------               
Hi Jim                                                                          
I live just north of you about 80 miles in Chattanooga.  Your bees are          
gathering water to cool the hives.  They spread it on the combs and fan to      
evaporate it thereby cooling the hive and keeping the brood from                
overheating.  Make sure you keep water available for them for the rest of       
the summer or else they will find it elsewhere such as your neighbors pool      
of bird bath.                                                                   
Frank Humphrey                                                                  
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Franklin D. Humphrey Sr.                                                        
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