Adrian Wenner wrote:                                                            
> >>2. Has anyone come up with a convenient small dispenser -- sort of like     
> >>the old ant traps?  We will need to make manyl hundreds, so things          
> >>like jars are a little awkward, and breakable.                              
>    John Taylor replied:                                                       
> >This may not go a long way toward evironmentally friendly . . . how          
> >about plastic 35mm film canisters?  They will hold an ounce or two,          
> >holes are easily made, water resistant and won't shatter.  You should        
> >be able to get them from a film developer.                                   
>    John is right.  The photo processor centers usually have a box or a bag    
> full of the empty cannisters for the taking.  I drill holes in the lids and   
> bottoms and use them as containers for baiting the walnut husk flies and      
> for keeping moth crystals in clothes bags.                                    
>    However, they are relatively indestructable and hardly "environmentally    
> friendly."  Perhaps they should be fastened to the bottom board and moved     
> with the hives.                                                               
If some of you share my bad habit or know someone who does you may              
consider using empty plastic snuff cans.  A couple of 1/8 inch holes            
drilled through the top or just below the lid on the side should work.          
They would be easy to clean and refill.                                         
just a Kansas suggestion.                                                       