Mason Harris wrote:
>         I worked my bees yesterday and found something I have not seen
> before.  I use permadent, plastic foundation in my hives.  I added upper
> brood chambers about two weeks ago and opened the hives yesterday.  In two
> of the hives I found the foundation undrawn in the central upper brood
> chamber but the ladies had drawn "wild comb" between the frames of
> foundation instead.  They connected it to the undrawn foundation in spots and
> left "passages" on the face of the foundation they could walk through.  It was
> like sheets of wild comb between the frames that covered about 1/2 the
> frame.  Other frames of the BC were being drawn out normally.
Hi Mason,
Some colonies just want to build comb the wrong way, I belive it's something
genetic. I have a few of those every year making a mess in my boxes. Guess
you'll have to keep on removing that extra comb until the frames are drawn
P-O Gustafsson, Sweden
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