At 03:17 PM 5/21/96 +0000, you wrote:
>At 10:46 AM 5/21/96 GMT, you wrote:
>>Hi all
>>The 5th annual Young Harris College-University of Georgia Beekeeping
>>Institute will be held June 14-15 at Young Harris College.  The program is 2
>>days of intense and diverse beekeeping training in the Blue Ridge Mountains
>>of North Ga.  Classes for beginners and more advanced beekeepers.
>>Dr. Deleplane is the chief architect of this siminar and will attend along
>>with several outstanding entomologist.
>>I would urge as many beekeepers as can, attend.  The cost is $35.00 and dorm
>>rooms have been made available @ $17.00 per night, for those who need
>>Frank Humphrey
>>[log in to unmask]
>>Frank,how about telling us how to get to Harris Collge? Where do I send the
>money? Is there a telephone number?
>I would appreciate advanced (more)notice,for future seminars,since I have to
>travel a long distance-Maine.
>                                                Thanks,
>                                                  Midnitebee
My apologies for leaving out the phone number.  It is: 706-542-8954.  Ask
for Tracy Coker.
As to short notice, I only found out about it this past weekend.  The dealer
that informed me is one that I usually make a special trip of about 100
Miles to see.  I will ask that the give me more advanced notice next year
since this is going to be an annual event.
Frank Humphrey